efficacy (noun)
The power to produce an effect. (MW)
The ability to produce a desired or intended result. (NOA)
Power or capacity to produce a desired effect; effectiveness. (AHD)
The ability of something to produce the intended result.  How well a particular treatment or drug works under carefully controlled scientific testing conditions.  The quality of being effective; effectiveness. (CD)

elan (noun)
Energy, style, and enthusiasm (NOA)
Vigorous spirit or enthusiasm (MW)
Liveliness, enthusiasm, and panache.  Distinctive style or flair. (WN)
Enthusiastic vigor and liveliness.  Distinctive style or flair. (AHD)
A combination of style and energetic confidence or speed, especially in a performance or someone's behavior. (CD)

elasticity (noun)
A measure of the responsiveness of one economic variable to another. (EB)
The degree to which a demand or supply is sensitive to changes in price or income. (NOA)
The responsiveness of a dependent economic variable to changes in influencing factors. (MW)
A measure of how changes in price affect supply or demand for a given good. (AHD)
The ability of something, such as the number of products sold, to change in relation to something else, such as the product's price. (CD)

elide (verb)
Join together; merge. (NOA)
Leave or strike out.  To omit it or get rid of. (VC)
To strike out something written.  To eliminate or leave out of consideration.  To cut short; abridge. (AHD)
To strike out something, such as a written word.  To leave out of consideration; omit.  Curtail, abridge. (MW)
To join different things together as if they are the same; to become joined in this way.  To ignore a difference between things. (CD)

emolument (noun)
The returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites. (MW)
A salary, fee, or profit from employment or office. (NOA)
Payment for an office or employment; compensation. (AHD)
Payment for work in the form of money or something else of value. (CD)
The profit arising from office, employment, or labor; gain; compensation; advantage; perquisites, fees, or salary. (WUD)

enjoin (verb)
Instruct or urge someone to do something.  Prescribe an action or attitude to be performed or adopted. (NOA)
To direct or impose by authoritative order or with urgent admonition. (MW)
To direct a person to do something; order or urge.  To require or impose, an action or behavior, with authority and emphasis; prescribe. (AHD)
To tell someone to do something or to behave in a particular way.  To order or strongly encourage someone to do something. (CD)
To order someone to do something; urge strongly; command.  To impose or prescribe, a condition, mode of behavior, etc.  To urge or impose with authority; order; enforce. (CDC)
Give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority.  To issue an urgent and official order. (VC)
To prescribe authoritatively and with emphasis, an action, a course of conduct, state of feeling, etc.  The OED adds this note:  "It is more authoritative than direct, and less imperious than command." (Samuel Johnson)(OED)
To direct; to order; to prescribe.  It is more authoritative than direct, and less imperious than command. (JDO)
noun:  enjoinment
Difference between admonish and enjoin:  Admonish tends to be used when pointing out a fault or mistake, often with a corrective tone.  Enjoin is used more to direct or encourage someone towards action, with an emphasis on urging or commanding.  Both words can convey a sense of authority, but admonish focuses on criticism or warning, while enjoin focuses on directing or compelling action. (Grok)

ennui (noun)
A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. (NOA)
Listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; boredom. (AHD)
A feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction; boredom. (MW)
A feeling of being bored and mentally tired caused by having nothing interesting or exciting to do. (CD)

enology (noun) also oenology
The study of wine. (CDC)
The study of wines. (NOA)
The study of wine and the making of wine. (AHD)
A science that deals with wine and wine making. (MW)
enologist:  an expert in or connoisseur of wines.
enophile:  a lover or connoisseur of wine.

ensaymada (noun)
A Filipino spiral-shaped pastry made with sweet yeast dough and topped with butter and sugar, or sometimes grated cheese. (NOA)
Soft round bread, usually with butter and cheese on top that is a popular snack in the Philippines. (Tagalog.com)
A spiral-shaped brioche baked using butter or margarine, topped with butter and sugar, sometimes with ham and cheese. (Wiktionary)
See:  pandesal, putok

erstwhile (adjective and adverb)
In the past; formerly.  Former; previous. (MW)
In the past; at a former time; formerly.  Former. (AHD)
Former; formerly. (NOA)
Previous. (CD)

estival (adjective)
Of or relating to the summer. (MW)
Relating to or typical of summer. (CD)
Belonging to or appearing in summer (NOA)
Of, relating to, or appearing in summer. (AHD)
See:  brumal (winter), hiemal (winter), vernal (spring)

estrange (verb)
To make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent; alienate. (AHD)
Cause someone to be no longer close or affectionate to someone; alienate. (NOA)
To arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in someone where there had formally been love, affection, or friendliness; alienate.  To remove from customary environment or associations. (MW)
To cause someone to no longer have a friendly relationship with another person or other people.  To cause you to feel that you do not understand someone or something, or do not have any connection with him, her, or it. (CD)
To antagonize or lose the affection of someone previously friendly; alienate.  To turn a person from an affectionate or friendly attitude to an indifferent, unfriendly, or hostile one; alienate the affections of. (CDC)
Arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness.  To push apart people who were once close to each other and cause them to be like strangers.  Often used when talking about family members who are no longer in contact with each other. (VC)
To cause someone to break away from a previously friendly state or relationship.  No longer friendly or supportive; alienated. (CHM)
estrangement (noun)

ethereal (adjective)
Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world; heavenly or spiritual. (NOA)
Extremely light or delicate.  Of the celestial spheres; heavenly.  Spiritual or otherworldly. (AHD)
Very light and delicate, especially in a way that does not seem to come from the real, physical world.  Extremely light and delicate, as if not of this world. (CD)
Of or relating to the regions beyond the earth; celestial, heavenly, unworldly, spiritual.  Lacking material substance; immaterial, intangible; marked by unusual delicacy or refinement; suggesting the heavens or heaven. (MW)
Example:  Her ethereal beauty....

ethical drug (noun)
Restricted to sale only on a doctor’s prescription. (MW)
Of a medicine, legally available only on a doctor's prescription. (NOA)
Relating to or being a drug dispensed solely on the prescription of a physician. (AHD)
A drug which is only available legally with a doctor's prescription or consent. (CDC)
A drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist. (VC)

excoriate (verb)
To censure scathingly. (MW)
Censure or criticize severely. (NOA)
To censure strongly; denounce.  To criticize something harshly. (AHD)
To write or say that a play, book, political action, etc. is very bad. (CD)
Express strong disapproval of.  Goes beyond mere criticism; it implies anger, a harsh and insulting tone, and even a scathing attack. (VC)

exculpate (verb)
To clear of guilt or blame. (AHD)
To remove blame from someone. (CD)
To clear from alleged fault or guilt. (MW)
Show or declare that someone is not guilty of wrongdoing. (NOA)
To free from blame or guilt; vindicate or exonerate.  To free from blame; declare or prove guiltless. (CDC)
exculpatory (adjective)
exculpation (noun)
exculpable (adjective)

exegesis (noun)
Critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture. (NOA)
An explanation of a text, especially from the Bible, after its careful study. (CD)
Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text. (AHD)
Exposition, explanation, especially, an explanation or critical interpretation of a text. (MW)
exegetical (adjective)

expiate (verb)
Atone for guilt or sin. (NOA)
To make amends or reparation for; atone for. (AHD)
To make amends for.  To extinguish the guilt incurred by. (MW)
To show that you are sorry for bad behaviour by doing something or accepting punishment. (CD)
Make amends for.  To make amends or atone for a wrong you or someone else has committed. (VC)
expiation (noun):  The act of making amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing; atonement. (NOA)

extirpate (verb)
Root out and destroy completely. (NOA)
To destroy completely; wipe out. (MW)
To remove or destroy something completely. (CD)
To destroy totally; kill off.  To render absent or nonexistent. (AHD)


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