efficacy (noun)
The ability to produce a desired or intended result. (OD)

elan (noun)
Energy, style, and enthusiasm (OD)
Vigorous spirit or enthusiasm (MW)
Liveliness, enthusiasm, and panache.  Distinctive style or flair. (WN)

elasticity (noun)
Economics:  The degree to which a demand or supply is sensitive to changes in price or income. (OD)

elide (verb)
Join together; merge. (OD)

emolument (noun)
The returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites. (MW)
A salary, fee, or profit from employment or office. (OD)

ennui (noun)
A feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement. (OD)

ensaymada (noun)
A Filipino spiral-shaped pastry made with sweet yeast dough and topped with butter and sugar, or sometimes grated cheese. (NOA)
A spiral-shaped brioche baked using butter or margarine, topped with butter and sugar, sometimes with ham and cheese. (Wiktionary)

erstwhile (adjective)
In the past; formerly. (MW)
Former; at one time.

estival (adjective)
Of or relating to the summer. (MW)
Belonging to or appearing in summer (OD)
See:  brumal (winter), hiemal (winter), vernal (spring)

estrange (verb)
To arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in (someone) where there had formally been love, affection, or friendliness; alienate.  To remove from customary environment or associations. (MW)
estrangement (noun)

ethereal (adjective)
Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world; heavenly or spiritual. (OD)
Example:  'Her ethereal beauty'

ethical drug (noun)
Restricted to sale only on a doctor’s prescription. (MW)
Prescription drug.

excoriate (verb)
To censure scathingly. (MW)
Criticize severely. (OD)

exculpate (verb)
To clear from alleged fault or guilt. (MW)
Show or declare that someone is not guilty of wrongdoing. (OD)
exculpatory (adjective)
exculpation (noun)
exculpable (adjective)

exegesis (noun)
Critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture. (OD)
exegetical (adjective)

expiate (verb)
Atone for (guilt or sin). (OD)
expiation (noun):  The act of making amends or reparation for guilt or wrongdoing; atonement. (OD)

extirpate (verb)
Root out and destroy completely. (OD)


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