vacuous (adjective)
Empty, vapid, hollow.  Not showing purpose, meaning, or intelligence; devoid of substance. (WN)

value (economic concept)
Value equals service over price (V=S/P).  Therefore, neither service nor price, alone, can determine value. (RM)

value proposition (business practice)
The service-level and price combination that an individual or firm offers consumers in a given market. (RM)

vanity children (noun)
Children produced for the vanity of their parents; or to enhance the reputation of their parents.  These parents want to improve their own standing, with their friends and family and within the community at large, by the behavior and accomplishments of their children.  In the extreme, these parents may not even want children, but nevertheless have them so that the children can confirm the self-worth of the parents and make the parents look good.  The children are used to make a statement about the parent's worth and morality.  Just look at the behavior and accomplishments of our children; clearly we are better people than you.

Sure, we can recognize the nuance here.  To some extent, it is natural to be proud of yourselves for the accomplishments of your children.  Yes honey, we did a good job raising our little Johnny.  But if one seeks accolades and admiration, or some other form of reputational advantage for oneself, because of the accomplishments or behavior of one’s child, then one ventures into the realm of vanity. (RM)

verboten (adjective)
Forbidden; not allowed. (OED)

verge (noun)
A wand or rod carried before a bishop or dean as an emblem of office. (OD)

verger (noun)
An officer who carries a rod before a bishop or dean as a symbol of office.  An official in a church who acts as a caretaker and attendant. (OD)

verisimilitude (noun)
The appearance of being true or real. (OD)

vernal (adjective)
Of, in, or appropriate to spring. (OD)
Of, relating to, or occurring in the spring.  Fresh or new like the spring; youthful. (MW)
See:  brumal (winter), hiemal (winter), estival (summer)

virtue signaling (social theory) (British:  virtue signalling)
The action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue. (OD)
To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else. (UrbanDictionary.com)

vitiate (verb)
Spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of; destroy or impair the legal validity of. (OD)

viticulture (noun)
The cultivation of grapevines. (OD)

vocal fry (noun)
A way of speaking in which the voice is very low-pitched and has a characteristic rough or creaking sound. (NOA)
A tendency to draw out the end of words or sentences with a low, creaky voice. (NPR)
Note:  It's really a question of whether or not you believe that vocal fry is linguistically authentic or an affectation.  Or regarding the NPR definition, is the tendency a conscious choice?  I have written about vocal fry here.

votary (noun)
A person, such as a monk or nun, who has made vows of dedication to religious service; A devoted follower, adherent, or advocate of someone or something. (OD)

vox populi (noun)
Popular sentiment. (MW)


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