AHD: American Heritage Dictionary
CD: Cambridge Dictionary (Dictionary.Cambridge.org)EB: Encyclopaedia Britannica (Britannica.com)
OD: Oxford Dictionary Online (No longer available)
OED: Oxford English Dictionary (OED.com)
MW: Merriam-Webster (Merriam-Webster.com)
NOA: New Oxford American Dictionary (Amazon Kindle & Apple)
WUD: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, 1913 (Gutenberg.org)
CDC: CollinsDictionary.com
DC: Dictionary.com
DC: Dictionary.com
Green's Green's Dictionary of Slang
LDOCE Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
MD: MacMillianDictionary.com (No longer available)
MD: MacMillianDictionary.com (No longer available)
VC: Vocabulary.com
WN: Ella Patrice, Word Nerd, LaWhimsy.com
RM: These are instances where I have not found a satisfactory
definition, so I have created my own.
Regarding Wikipedia, I only resort to this site as a source if there are no other easily accessible online sources. While I am fully aware of the flaws and limitations of this site, and of the prohibition of its use in academic quarters, the fact is that it is often perfectly adequate for my purposes. This is not an academic work. And often enough Wikipedia gives us enough flavor to suffice.
WN: Ella Patrice, Word Nerd, LaWhimsy.com
RM: These are instances where I have not found a satisfactory
definition, so I have created my own.
Regarding Wikipedia, I only resort to this site as a source if there are no other easily accessible online sources. While I am fully aware of the flaws and limitations of this site, and of the prohibition of its use in academic quarters, the fact is that it is often perfectly adequate for my purposes. This is not an academic work. And often enough Wikipedia gives us enough flavor to suffice.
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