wadge (noun)
Bunch, bundle. (MW)

waiter rule (social theory)
One's true character can be gleaned from how one treats staff or service workers, such as a waiter. (Dave Berry)

wangle (verb)
Manage to obtain (something) by persuading or cleverly manipulating someone. (NOA)
To resort to trickery or devious methods.  To adjust or manipulate for personal or fraudulent ends.  To make or get by devious means; finagle. (MW)
To obtain, bring about or achieve by cleverness, persuasion, or deceit. (WN)
To obtain or achieve by cleverness or deceit, especially in persuading someone. (AHD)
Often used:  To wangle an invitation as in, We managed to wangle an invitation to the party.

white elephant (noun)
A property requiring much care and expense and yielding little profit. (MW)
A possession that is useless or troublesome, especially one that is expensive to maintain or difficult to dispose of. (NOA)
A possession that provides few benefits and is an inconvenience or a financial burden to maintain. (AHD)
If you describe something as a white elephant, you mean that it is a waste of money because it is completely useless.  A possession that is unwanted by its owner.  An elaborate venture, construction, etc., that proves useless.  Something from which little profit or use is derived; especially, such a possession maintained at much expense.  A possession unwanted by the owner but difficult to dispose of.  A possession entailing great expense out of proportion to its usefulness or value to the owner. (CDC)

wifty (adjective)
Vague, imprecise.  Of thinking, argument, etc.:  Unclear; muddle-headed, scatterbrained; fuzzy.  Light-headed, muzzy, confused. (OD)
Eccentrically silly or scatterbrained; ditzy. (MW)
Ditzy, eccentric, flighty, unfocused, scatterbrained. (WN)
A wifty person often forgets or loses things, or does not completely understand serious things.  Also:  Not clearly expressed or described, and not serious, as in wifty ideas. (CD)

win-win negotiation (business practice)
Negotiations in which each party walks away from the bargaining table having achieved its goals within the confines of an integrative, or value-creating, bargaining process.  Win-win strategies are all about increasing your opponent’s satisfaction even as you achieve the outcome you desire. (Harvard Program on Negotiation)
Note:  Despite its omnipresence in our culture, I find this concept terribly naive; see Jim Camp's Start With No.  I have written on this topic here.
See:  counterpart, negotiation

woman (noun)
A human being whose 23rd pair of chromosomes (the sex chromosomes) are composed of two X chromosomes.  As chromosomes are located in the nucleus of each and every cell in the body, this chromosomal composition is immutable.  No amount of body mutilation or hormones (new or suppressed) will change the chromosomal makeup.  Thus if you are born female, you will remain female until the day you die. (RM)
Note:  How sad is it that today, this word needs to be defined?
See:  man

woolgathering (noun)
Indulgence in aimless thought or dreamy imagining; absentmindedness. (NOA)
Indulgence in idle daydreaming. (MW)
To engage in fanciful daydreaming. (AHD)

woolly (adjective)
Lacking in definiteness or incisiveness; muzzy.  Of the mind, etc.:  Confused and hazy.  Of painting, etc.:  Lacking in clearness or definition.  Of sound, etc.:  Dull and indistinct. (OED)
Lacking in clearness or sharpness of outline.  Marked by mental confusion. (MW)
Vague or confused in expression or character.  Of a sound, indistinct or distorted. (NOA)
Lacking sharp detail or clarity.  Mentally or intellectually disorganized or unclear. (AHD)

woolly-minded (adjective)
Vague or confused in character or expression. (OD)
Showing a vague or muddled way of thinking. (CDC)
woolly-mindedness (noun)
Also:  woolly-witted (adjective)


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