laconic (adjective)
Of a person, speech, or style of writing: Using very few words. (OD)
Using or involving the use of a minimum of words; concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious. (MW)
See: pauciloquent, taciturn
Laffer Curve (economic theory)
Economics: Illustration designed to show the relationship between tax rates and the amount of tax revenue collected by government. Typically represented as a graph that starts at 0% tax with zero revenue, rises to a maximum rate of revenue at an intermediate rate of taxation, and then falls again to zero revenue at a 100% tax rate. (Wikipedia)
See: Art Laffer Explains the Laffer Curve.
laïcité (noun)
French concept of secularism; principle of separation of church or religion and state. (Wikipedia)
lethologica (noun)
The inability to remember a particular word or name. (NOA)
Of a person, speech, or style of writing: Using very few words. (OD)
Using or involving the use of a minimum of words; concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious. (MW)
See: pauciloquent, taciturn
Laffer Curve (economic theory)
Economics: Illustration designed to show the relationship between tax rates and the amount of tax revenue collected by government. Typically represented as a graph that starts at 0% tax with zero revenue, rises to a maximum rate of revenue at an intermediate rate of taxation, and then falls again to zero revenue at a 100% tax rate. (Wikipedia)
See: Art Laffer Explains the Laffer Curve.
laïcité (noun)
French concept of secularism; principle of separation of church or religion and state. (Wikipedia)
lethologica (noun)
The inability to remember a particular word or name. (NOA)
The inability to remember a word or put your finger on the right word. (WN)
leviathan (noun)
The political state, especially a totalitarian state having a vast bureaucracy. Something large or formidable. (MW)
leviathan (noun)
The political state, especially a totalitarian state having a vast bureaucracy. Something large or formidable. (MW)
See: juggernaut
lexicography (noun)
The practice of compiling dictionaries. The activity or occupation of compiling dictionaries. (OD)
lexicographer: An author or editor of a dictionary. (MW)
A person who compiles dictionaries. (OD)
libertine (noun)
A person, especially a man, who freely indulges in sensual pleasures without regard to moral principles. (OD)
(adjective): Characterized by free indulgence in sensual pleasures. (OD)
lickspittle (noun)
A fawning subordinate; a suck-up; toady. (MW)
A person who behaves obsequiously to those in power. (OD)
logophile (noun)
A lover of words. (OD)
lollygag (verb) also lallygag
Fool around; dawdle. (MW)
To fool around; to dawdle, to dally. (OED)
Spend time aimlessly; idle. Dawdle. (OD)
See: dally, dawdle, dillydally, tarry
lorem ipsum (noun)
Printing, typography, and graphic design: Placeholder text.
A standard form of sample text, beginning ‘lorem ipsum’, used by compositors and graphic designers to establish or demonstrate the textual layout of a print or electronic document before the content has been finalized. Hence: Any form of boilerplate sample text used in this way. Instances of its inadvertent appearance in publications begin in the late 1960s, suggesting that it began to be widely used in publishing around this time. (OED)
lotus-eater (noun)
A person who leads a life of idle contentment or luxury, untroubled by the working world or by practical concerns; an idle or indolent person, especially one who passes the time pleasantly doing nothing productive. (OED)
lotusland or lotus land (noun)
lexicography (noun)
The practice of compiling dictionaries. The activity or occupation of compiling dictionaries. (OD)
lexicographer: An author or editor of a dictionary. (MW)
A person who compiles dictionaries. (OD)
libertine (noun)
A person, especially a man, who freely indulges in sensual pleasures without regard to moral principles. (OD)
(adjective): Characterized by free indulgence in sensual pleasures. (OD)
lickspittle (noun)
A fawning subordinate; a suck-up; toady. (MW)
A person who behaves obsequiously to those in power. (OD)
logophile (noun)
A lover of words. (OD)
lollygag (verb) also lallygag
Fool around; dawdle. (MW)
To fool around; to dawdle, to dally. (OED)
Spend time aimlessly; idle. Dawdle. (OD)
See: dally, dawdle, dillydally, tarry
lorem ipsum (noun)
Printing, typography, and graphic design: Placeholder text.
A standard form of sample text, beginning ‘lorem ipsum’, used by compositors and graphic designers to establish or demonstrate the textual layout of a print or electronic document before the content has been finalized. Hence: Any form of boilerplate sample text used in this way. Instances of its inadvertent appearance in publications begin in the late 1960s, suggesting that it began to be widely used in publishing around this time. (OED)
lotus-eater (noun)
A person who leads a life of idle contentment or luxury, untroubled by the working world or by practical concerns; an idle or indolent person, especially one who passes the time pleasantly doing nothing productive. (OED)
lotusland or lotus land (noun)
Lotus Sutra (scripture)
A central scripture of Mahayana Buddhism, emphasizing that anyone can attain enlightenment. (CDC)
lumbersexual (noun)
A young urban man who cultivates an appearance and style of dress (typified by a beard and check/plaid shirt) suggestive of a rugged outdoor lifestyle. (OD)
On the model of: metrosexual.
lumbersexual (noun)
A young urban man who cultivates an appearance and style of dress (typified by a beard and check/plaid shirt) suggestive of a rugged outdoor lifestyle. (OD)
On the model of: metrosexual.
lumpia (noun)
Philippine spring rolls. (Wikipedia)