hadith (noun)
Recorded sayings of the prophet Muhammad.
A collection of traditions containing sayings of the prophet Muhammad which constitute a major source of guidance for Muslims apart from the Koran. (OD)
See:  sunna

halal (adjective)
Sanctioned by Islamic law; especially ritually fit for use.  Selling or serving food ritually fit according to Islamic law. (MW)
Denoting or relating to meat prepared as prescribed by Muslim law.  Religiously acceptable according to Muslim law. (OD)
See:  sharia

halfpace (noun)
A landing of a staircase like a broad step between two half flights. (MW)
A platform of a staircase where the stairs turn back in exactly the reverse direction of the lower flight. (WUD)
See:  quarterpace

ham-handed or ham-fisted (adjective)
Doing things in an awkward or unskilled way when using the hands or dealing with people. (CD)
Lacking dexterity or grace; heavy-handed. (MW)
Clumsy or bungling. (OD)

haram (adjective)
Forbidden or proscribed by Islamic law. (OD)
See:  sharia

head of house (noun)
The principal of a college at the University of Oxford or Cambridge.  The most senior pupil of a (boarding) house in a school; (also) the teacher responsible for the welfare and development of the pupils in such a house. (OD)

heat (noun)
A single operation of heating something, especially metal in a furnace. (NOA)

heavy hitter (noun)
An important or powerful person. (OD)

hebdomad (noun)
A group of seven; a period of seven days; week. (MW)

hebdomadal (adjective)
Weekly (used especially of organizations which meet weekly). (OD)

hebetude (noun)
The state of being dull or lethargic. (OD)
The condition or state of being blunt or dull; dullness, bluntness, obtuseness, lethargy. (OED)
Dullness of mind; mental lethargy.  The state of being dull or enervated. (WN)

hegemony (noun; political science)
Leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others. (OD)
Preponderant influence or authority over others; domination.  The social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group. (MW)
Political, economic, or military predominance or leadership, esp. by one member of a confederacy or union over other states.  An instance of this; a state, etc., having a position of political, economic, or military predominance over others.  Social or cultural predominance or ascendancy; predominance by one group within a society or milieu, or by a particular set of social or cultural ideas, way of doing things, or item, especially to the exclusion of others.  A predominant social or cultural group; a group or regime which exerts undue influence within a society, especially through conditioned consent or the repression of dissent. (OED)
The dominance of one group over another, often supported by legitimating norms and ideas.  The term hegemony is today often used as shorthand to describe the relatively dominant position of a particular set of ideas and their associated tendency to become commonsensical and intuitive, thereby inhibiting the dissemination or even the articulation of alternative ideas. (EB)
hegemon (noun):  The actor, group, class, or state that exercises hegemonic power or that is responsible for the dissemination of hegemonic ideas. (EB)
hegemonic (adjective)

hiemal (adjective)
Of, characteristic of, or occurring in winter. (OD)
Of or relating to winter; wintry. (MW)
See:  brumal (winter), vernal (spring), estival (summer)

hobbledehoy (noun)
An awkward gawky youth. (MW)

hokey (adjective)
Mawkishly sentimental; noticeably contrived. (OD)
Corny; obviously contrived; phony. (MW)

holding space or hold space (verb)
Pretentious idiom for being, or at least acting, empathetic.  Used by touchy-feely types to signal their superior empathy. (RM)

holograph (noun)
A manuscript handwritten by the person named as its author. (OD)
A document wholly in the handwriting of its author. (MW)
holographic (adjective), as in holographic will.

hooch (noun)
Alcoholic liquor, especially inferior or illicit whiskey. (NOA)
Alcoholic liquor especially when inferior or illicitly made or obtained. (MW)
Alcoholic liquor, spirits, especially of low quality or illegal provenance. (OED)
Illicitly distilled liquor, often made from surprisingly unorthodox ingredients.  Alcohol, liquor.  Any inferior alcoholic drink (especially whisky).  Etymology:  Hoochinoo, an alcoholic liquor made by Alaskan Indians, especially the Hoochinoo people. (Green's)
See:  plonk

hudud (noun)
In Islam, mandated punishments under shariah.
(Robert Spencer, Hudud, the Punishments Mandated in Islamic Law, JihadWatch.org, 2016)
See:  sharia

humblebrag (verb)
To make an ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement with the actual intention of drawing attention to something of which one is proud. (OD)
humblebrag (noun):  An ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement whose actual purpose is to draw attention to something of which one is proud. (OD)


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