racket (noun)
racket (noun) (1 of 2):
Confused clattering noise; clamor. (MW)
A loud unpleasant noise; a din. (NOA)
Uproar, disturbance, especially as resulting from noisy or disorderly behavior; din, cacophony, excessive or obtrusive noise. (OED)
Confused clattering noise; clamor. (MW)
A loud unpleasant noise; a din. (NOA)
Uproar, disturbance, especially as resulting from noisy or disorderly behavior; din, cacophony, excessive or obtrusive noise. (OED)
racket (noun) (2 of 2):
An illegal or dishonest scheme for obtaining money; a person's line of business or way of life. (NOA)
A fraudulent scheme, enterprise, or activity; a usually illegitimate enterprise made workable by bribery or intimidation; an easy and lucrative means of livelihood. Occupation, business. (MW)
Any form of deception, criminal trickery, hoaxing. A job, an occupation; not necessarily illegal. An easy job or situation, especially a sinecure. (Green's)
ratiocinate (verb)
Form judgments by a process of logic; reason. (OD)
ratiocinative (adjective)
redolent (adjective)
Redolent of/with – Strongly reminiscent or suggestive of (something). Fragrant or sweet-smelling. (OD)
Exuding fragrance; aromatic. Full of a specified fragrance; scented (redolent of). Evocative; suggestive. (MW)
reliquary (noun)
A container for holy relics. (NOA)
remit (noun)
An area of responsibility or authority. (MW)
The task or area of activity officially assigned to an individual or organization. (OD)
A set of instructions, a brief; an area of authority or responsibility. Frequently used in: within one's remit or beyond one's remit, etc. (OED)
See: brief, purview
rent seeking (economic concept; noun and adjective)
remit (noun)
An area of responsibility or authority. (MW)
The task or area of activity officially assigned to an individual or organization. (OD)
A set of instructions, a brief; an area of authority or responsibility. Frequently used in: within one's remit or beyond one's remit, etc. (OED)
See: brief, purview
rent seeking (economic concept; noun and adjective)
The fact or practice of manipulating public policy or economic conditions as a strategy for increasing profits (noun). (OD)
Engaging in or involving the manipulation of public policy or economic conditions as a strategy for increasing profits: Rent-seeking lobbyists (adjective). (OD)
Competition for politically protected transfers of wealth. (EB)
revanche (noun)
A usually political policy designed to recover lost territory or status. (MW)
Rhodesia (country)
The former name of a large territory in central and southern Africa that was divided into Southern Rhodesia (now Zambia) in 1923 and into Northern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in 1924.
ribald (adjective)
Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude, coarse, or irreverent way. (NOA)
rife (adjective)
Prevalent especially to an increasing degree. Abundant, common. Copiously supplied; abounding – usually used with with: 'rife with rumors.' (MW)
Especially of something undesirable: Of common occurrence; widespread. (NOA)
Can also be used as an adverb: In an unchecked or widespread manner. (NOA)
roan (adjective)
ribald (adjective)
Referring to sexual matters in an amusingly rude, coarse, or irreverent way. (NOA)
Marked by coarseness or lewdness; crude, offensive. Characterized by or using coarse, indecent humor. (MW)
rife (adjective)
Prevalent especially to an increasing degree. Abundant, common. Copiously supplied; abounding – usually used with with: 'rife with rumors.' (MW)
Especially of something undesirable: Of common occurrence; widespread. (NOA)
Can also be used as an adverb: In an unchecked or widespread manner. (NOA)
roan (adjective)
Denoting an animal, especially a horse or cow, having a coat of a main color thickly interspersed with hairs of another color, typically bay, chestnut, or black mixed with white. Also noun: An animal with a roan coat. (NOA)
See: merle
rot (noun)
A process of deterioration; a decline in standards; corruption. (OD)
As opposed to the decomposition of organic matter or wood.
rot (verb): Gradually deteriorate, especially through neglect. (OD)
rum (adjective)
rot (noun)
A process of deterioration; a decline in standards; corruption. (OD)
As opposed to the decomposition of organic matter or wood.
rot (verb): Gradually deteriorate, especially through neglect. (OD)
rum (adjective)
Chiefly British
Odd; peculiar. (NOA)
Unusual and strange. (CD)
rumbustious (adjective)
Boisterous or unruly. (OD)
Boisterous, turbulent; unruly. (OED)