ulema (noun)
A body of Muslim scholars who are recognized as having specialist knowledge of Islamic sacred law and theology. (OD)

ultracrepidarian (adjective and noun)
adjective:  Expressing opinions on matters outside the scope of one's knowledge or expertise. (NOA)
Expressing an opinion about something that you have no special knowledge of. (CD)
For instance:  ultracrepidarian advice
noun:  A person who expresses opinions on matters outside the scope of their knowledge or expertise. (NOA)
Someone who has no special knowledge of a subject but who expresses an opinion about it. (CD)
For instance:  Actors on politics, academics outside of their field of expertise.

ummah or umma (noun)

In Islam, the whole community of Muslims bound together by ties of religion. (OD)
It is commonly used to mean the collective community of Islamic peoples. (Wikipedia)

unctuous (adjective)
Of a person:  Excessively flattering or ingratiating; oily. (OD)
Having, revealing, or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality. (MW)

upspeak or uptalk (noun)
Also known as high rising terminal (HRT), is a linguistic occurrence in which a speaker uses a rising inflection at the end of a declarative sentence.  This rising intonation at the end of the sentence makes a statement sound like a question. (Masterclass)
A manner of speaking in which declarative sentences are uttered with rising intonation at the end, as if they were questions.
Speech in which each clause, sentence, etc., ends like a question with a rising inflection. (MW)
High rising terminal:  A feature of some variants of English where declarative sentences can end with a rising pitch similar to that typically found in yes-or-no questions.  Especially common among younger speakers and women. (Wikipedia)

urbane (adjective)
Of a person, especially a man:  Courteous and refined in manner. (OD)
Notably polite or polished in manner. (MW)
Of a person:  Elegant and refined in manners; courteous, civil; suave, sophisticated.  Of a quality, action, etc.:  Characteristic of or befitting such a person; refined, sophisticated. (OED)


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